Facebook’s Testing a New, Stories-Like, ‘Swipeable’ News Feed

As Facebook looks to evolve in line with user behaviors, and meet rising demand for new formats, The Social Network is experimenting with a new News Feed layout which would enable users to side-scroll through the posts in their feed, the same as how they can through Stories. As spotted by reverse engineering expert Jane Manchun…

Who’s an Ethical Hacker?

We hear about hacking on the news all the time—from Anonymous to fake news to denial of service attacks to data breaches, it seems like the bad guys are always wreaking havoc. And it’s true; the bad guys are doing all kinds of damage, from the annoying (spam) to the destructive (cyber attacks that steal…

The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me! Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton

Password Secrets : Why Your Password is Never Secure.

There is one thing that makes us so vulnerable is ignorance. Today, most of our work is depended on the internet. Is it enough to set a password for the security of our credentials? are we really aware of how to deal with passwords? Our lack of understanding about passwords is allowing crooks to spy…

How Do Hackers Hack Social Networking Websites?

At the point when individuals discuss hacking and social networks, they’re not alluding to the common meaning of hacking, which is utilizing malignant code or secondary passages as a part of machine systems to harm systems or take restrictive data. Hacking into social networks requires almost no specialized ability. It’s significant, even more, a mental…

What skills are required to become an Ethical Hacker?.

Ethical hacking is a lucrative career choice that most people would like to pursue. As an ethical hacker, you can either be employed to work in organizations or you can provide your services as a freelancer. Internet and systems security are two things that are giving most organizations a headache. This directly means that your skills…

Securing the Cloud: How Ethical Hacking Helps Keep Data Safe.

Cybercrime is on the rise. According to a report from the Online Trust Alliance, 159,700 cyber attacks occurred in 2017. This has resulted in businesses shelling out billions a year in damages and cybersecurity. In 2016, the US government spend an outstanding $28 billion on cybersecurity to try and stay ahead of hackers. The first line of…

A-Z List Of Windows CMD Commands — Also Included CMD Commands PDF

Here is the list of all Windows CMD commands sorted alphabetically along with exclusive CMD commands pdf file for future reference for both pro and newbies. Command Prompt and CMD Commands are unknown territories for most of the Windows users, they only know it as a black screen for troubleshooting the system with some fancy commands. If you are Linux user then…

Cmd commands under Windows

This article lists the most important cmd commands under Windows. md command Description Basics: call calls a batch file from another one cd change directory cls clear screen cmd start command prompt color change console color date show/set date dir list directory content echo text output exit exits the command prompt or a batch file find…